Refreshing Lavender Vanilla Salt Scrub

March 07, 2024

Refreshing Lavender Vanilla Salt Scrub

A Recipe for Silky Smooth Skin

Are you looking for a natural way to exfoliate and nourish your skin? Look no further than this delightful Lavender Vanilla Salt Scrub. It's not only easy to make but also packed with benefits that your skin will thank you for! Let’s dive into how you can create this spa-like treatment in the comfort of your home.


What You'll Need:

  • 2 cups of Epsom salt or coarse sea salt:
    These natural salts are excellent for exfoliation and contain minerals that can help to detoxify the skin.
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil:
    This oil is known for its moisturizing properties and will leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated.
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil (optional):
    Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, which can help protect your skin from sun damage and premature aging.
  • 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil:
    Lavender is not only soothing for the mind but also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it great for skincare.
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract:
    Adds a warm, comforting scent and contains antioxidants that are beneficial for the skin.


  1. In a large bowl, combine the Epsom salt or coarse sea salt with the coconut oil. If you're using almond oil, add it to the mixture as well. Stir until the oils are evenly distributed throughout the salt.
  2. Drop in the lavender essential oil. As you do this, take a moment to enjoy the calming aroma—it’s like having a mini aromatherapy session!
  3. Add the vanilla extract to the mix. The vanilla blends beautifully with the floral notes of lavender, creating a luxurious scent profile.
  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. You should have a moist, crumbly texture. If it's too dry, you can add a bit more coconut oil to reach the desired consistency.
  5. Transfer the scrub to an airtight container. Glass jars work wonderfully for this purpose, plus they look pretty on your bathroom shelf!
  6. To use, gently massage a handful of your Lavender Vanilla Salt Scrub onto damp skin in circular motions. Focus on rough areas like elbows and heels for added smoothness. Rinse off with warm water.
  7. Pat your skin dry and enjoy the silky, soothing results!

Benefits of Using a Salt Scrub

  • Exfoliation: Salt scrubs slough away dead skin cells, revealing the smoother, healthier-looking skin beneath.
  • Circulation: The massaging action helps to boost circulation, which can aid in cellulite reduction and skin tone improvement.
  • Moisturizing: Oils in the scrub provide intense hydration, locking in moisture for supple, glowing skin.
  • Relaxation: The combination of lavender and vanilla can help reduce stress and promote relaxation during your self-care routine.

Making your own Lavender Vanilla Salt Scrub is a rewarding and indulgent way to take care of your skin. It’s perfect for gifting, too! So why not whip up a batch and treat yourself or someone special to a little homemade luxury today? 🌸

This Lavender Vanilla Salt Scrub recipe was included in our March Country Wyx Box as a fun addition to our custom-blended scent - LAVENDER FIELDS 🪻 A gentle breeze of soothing lavender balanced with sweet sugared vanilla and warm amber grounded with earthy undertones of wood to create a dreamy and serene atmosphere.

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Country Wyx Box - March 2024 - Lavender Fields

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